529. The Daytime Kiddush

77:12 If a person recited Kiddush over a cup that he thought was wine but which turned out to be water or some other beverage, he must go back and recite Kiddush over wine. If he had wine before him on the table and his intention is also to drink wine during the course of the meal, he need not make Kiddush again because it is considered as if he made Kiddush on this wine. If there was no wine before him on the table but there was wine in the house, and if he had the intention to drink this wine during the meal, then he need not recite the bracha of “hagafen,” just the bracha of “Mekadesh haShabbos” that follows it in Kiddush. If the cup contained beer or mead, and if this is considered the local equivalent of wine, then he need not recite Kiddush again at all. Rather, he should merely recite the bracha of shehakol and drink. In places where the practice is to wash hands before making Kiddush, there is no need to go back and make Kiddush again. Rather, he recites HaMotzi and it is considered that he made Kiddush over the bread.

77:13 Kiddush must also be recited over a cup at the daytime meal. Simply saying the bracha of hagafen over the cup is considered Kiddush during the day. (The practice is to recite particular Biblical verses before the bracha; starting with “al kein” – Exodus 20:10 – is not proper since it’s only the second half of a verse - Mishnah Brurah 289:2). Women are likewise obligated in the daytime Kiddush. As with the nighttime Kiddush, one may not taste anything, even water, before fulfilling his obligation in Kiddush. (One may drink water before shul because he is not obligated in Kiddush until he davens – OC 289:1.) Also as with the nighttime Kiddush, the best way to fulfill the mitzvah is to recite Kiddush over wine. If one prefers a different alcoholic beverage, he may recite Kiddush over that and fulfill his obligation. However, one must still make sure that his cup holds a revi’is (3.3 ounces) and that he drinks a cheek-full without interruption.