1,474. Consecrating a Woman with the "Benefit of a Loan"

Hilchos Ishus 5:15

If a man consecrates a woman using the benefit of a loan, then marriage is effected, as follows: Let’s say that the man lends the woman 200 zuz (a denomination of currency) and he says, “You are consecrated to me through the benefit of me extending the length of this loan to you. You may retain it for X number of days before payment is due.” In such a case, marriage is effected because she receives a benefit now, i.e., use of the loan until the end of the designated time. However, one is not permitted to extend a loan under such conditions because it’s like charging interest. The Rambam mentions that his teachers had another explanation for “the benefit of a loan” but he doesn’t consider it worth mentioning.

Hilchos Ishus 5:16

Let’s say that a man consecrates a woman with a prutah (a denomination of coin) plus a debt that she owes him; in such a case, marriage is effected. The same is true if he consecrates her with the debt she owes him plus a prutah.