1,470. Stolen Property as Kiddushin

Hilchos Ishus 5:7

If a man consecrated a woman using an object that he stole by force or by stealth, or that he acquired against the owner’s will, then if the owner has given up hope of getting it back and it is clear that the man has acquired it through the owner’s resignation, then marriage is effected, otherwise not.

Hilchos Ishus 5:8

If a man enters another person’s home and takes some object or food and uses it to consecrate a woman, marriage is not effected. This is so even if the owner of the object subsequently asks why the man didn’t give the woman a more valuable object, since he is only saying this to avoid shaming the other person. Since the man consecrated the woman using another person’s property without that person’s knowledge, it is considered theft and marriage is not effected. If the man consecrated the woman using an item to which the owner would not object him taking, like a date or a nut, then there is a doubt as to whether or not marriage is effected.