1,469. Using Korbanos and Trumah as Kiddushin

Hilchos Ishus 5:5

If a kohein consecrates a woman using his portion of sacrifices, whether of greater or lesser sanctity, marriage is not effected because he only has permission to eat from these offerings. However, if a kohein consecrates a woman using trumah g’dolah, trumas maaser or bikkurim (first fruits), then marriage is effected. The same is true if a Levite consecrates a woman using first tithe or if an Israelite does so using the tithe that goes to the needy.

Hilchos Ishus 5:6

Portions that have not yet been separated are considered as if they were already separated. Therefore, if an Israelite inherits produce from his maternal grandfather - a kohein - and none of the portions were yet separated from it, he may separate the trumah and tithes; this is as if he inherited the trumah and tithes from his grandfather. Therefore, if he were to consecrate a woman with them, marriage is effected. Even though he, as an Israelite, may not eat them, he has the right to sell them to someone who can. Conversely, if an Israelite were to consecrate a woman using trumah that he separated from his own produce, marriage would not be effected. This is because he doesn’t have the right to sell this trumah, he only has the option of giving it to a kohein of his choosing. Such an option is not considered the equivalent of cash.