1,468. Consecrating a Woman Using Property Dedicated to the Temple

Hilchos Ishus 5:3

If a man consecrates a woman using sabbatical-year produce, with the ashes of the red heifer, or with the water used to sprinkle those ashes, marriage is effected. Let’s say that a man consecrates a woman using property that has been dedicated to the Temple. If he didn’t know that the property had been dedicated, then marriage is effected; he must then repay the value of the item plus one-fifth to the Temple treasury, plus bring a guilt offering, as is the case whenever a person unwittingly makes use of consecrated property. If he knew that the property had been dedicated to the Temple, then marriage is not effected.

Hilchos Ishus 5:4

If a man consecrates a woman using second-tithe produce, marriage is not effected. This is the case regardless of whether or not he knew that it was second tithe. This is because until second-tithe produce is redeemed, it does not belong to a person for his own use. Regarding second-tithe produce, Leviticus 27:30 says, “It is God’s.”