1,463. Giving Kiddushin to a Servant or a Half-Servant

Hilchos Ishus 4:15

If a man consecrates a non-Jewish woman or a Canaanite servant woman, his actions are meaningless. The same is true if non-Jewish man or male Canaanite servant consecrates a Jewish woman. If an apostate Jew consecrates a woman, marriage is wholly effected even though he voluntarily serves idols. In such a case, the woman needs to be given a get.

Hilchos Ishus 4:16

If a man consecrates a woman who is half servant and half free, marriage is not wholly effected until she is completely free. When she becomes free, the marriage is completed, the same as in the case of a minor girl who reaches the age of maturity. Accordingly, there is no need for the man give her kiddushin again. If another man were to consecrate this woman after she became free, then there is a doubt regarding the status of both marriages.