1,456. Kiddushin Requires Consent

Hilchos Ishus 4:1

A woman can only be consecrated with her consent. If one coerces a woman to accept kiddushin, marriage is not effected. However, if a man is coerced to consecrate a woman, marriage is effected. A man can consecrate multiple women simultaneously so long as he does so using money and there is enough to give each woman the value of a prutah. The money can be accepted by one of these women on behalf of them all, or by a third party, so long as all the women consent.

Hilchos Ishus 4:2

Let’s say that a man wants to consecrate a woman and, with her consent, he gives the kiddushin to another woman. If he tells this second woman, “And also you” or some similar language, then he has consecrated both women. However, if the man places the kiddushin in the second woman’s hand and simply says, “And you,” then there is a doubt as to whether or not marriage has been effected. This is because his intentions are unclear. Maybe he was only asking her opinion, such as “What do you think about this?” Therefore, maybe she accepted the kiddushin thinking that he was asking her opinion. Therefore, the question of whether marriage is effected in such a case is unclear.