1,448. More Statements That Might or Might Not Effect Marriage

Hilchos Ishus 3:9

If a man tells a woman to be consecrated to his half, marriage is effected. He is basically saying that he wants her to be his wife, as well as another woman. In this way, she is marrying half of him. However, if he says that half of her is consecrated to him, then marriage is not effected because a woman cannot marry two men. Similarly, if a man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me and to him,” then marriage is not effected.

Hilchos Ishus 3:10

If a man told a woman that half of her is consecrated to him with a certain prutah (a denomination of coin) and half of her with a different prutah, or if he told her that half of her is consecrated to him with a certain half-prutah and half of her with a different half-prutah, in either of these cases, marriage is effected. If he told her that half of her is consecrated to him with a prutah today and half of her with a prutah tomorrow, or that her two halves are consecrated to him with a prutah, or that her two daughters are consecrated to his two sons with a prutah, or that her daughter is consecrated to him and her cow is sold to him with a prutah, or her daughter is consecrated and her land is sold to him with a prutah – in all of these cases, there is a doubt as to whether or not marriage has been effected.