1,444. Effecting Marriage Through Financial Means

Hilchos Ishus 3:1

Marriage is effected as follows: if a man wants to effect marriage through a financial transaction, he must give the woman at least a prutah (a certain denomination), either in the form of a coin or something worth that value. He says, “You are consecrated to me,” “You are betrothed to me” or "You are my wife through this,” after which he gives it to her in front of witnesses. The man says the words that effect the marriage and he is the one who gives her the money (or the object of value).

Hilchos Ishus 3:2

If a woman gave money or an object to a man and said, “I am consecrated to you," "I am betrothed to you," "I am your wife" or any other language of acquisition, marriage is not effected. Similarly, if she gave him the money and he made the declaration, marriage is not effected. If he gave her the money and she made the declaration, then the status of the marriage is in doubt (and she cannot marry someone else without first obtaining a divorce).