1,442. Androginos and Tumtum

Hilchos Ishus 2:24

One who possesses both male and female genitalia is called an “androginos” and it is unclear whether such a person is halachically male or female as there is no means by which to make such a determination.

Hilchos Ishus 2:25

One who possesses neither male nor female genitalia, but rather a solid mass in the genital region, is called a “tumtum.” There is likewise doubt as to this person’s halachic gender. An operation could potentially reveal whether this person has male or female genitalia, which would resolve the question. When a tumtum or an androginos reaches the age of 12 years and a day, they are presumed to be legal adults. Whenever halacha discusses a tumtum or an adroginos, it means people of this age.