1,441. Whose Testimony is Accepted?

Hilchos Ishus 2:22

We do not rely on the testimony of women or the testimony of relatives as to a child's age; the matter is dependent upon the testimony of two witnesses who are qualified to testify in court.

Hilchos Ishus 2:23

If a father says that his son is 9 years and a day old, or that his daughter is 3 years and a day old, his word is accepted to require a sacrifice (for inadvertent sins) but not to administer lashes or other punishments (for intentional sins). If the father says that his son is 13 years and a day old, or that his daughter is 12 years and a day old, his word is accepted as far as vows, valuations, proscribed property (cheirem) and consecrated property but not to administer lashes or other punishments.