1,437. A Eunuch

Hilchos Ishus 2:14

A male who is infertile in the manner we have described is called a saris chama (congenitally infertile). However, if a man’s sexual organ was cut, severed or crushed, as the nations of the world did to create eunuchs, then he is called a saris adam (made infertile by a person). When a saris adam reaches the age of 13 years and a day, he is considered a full adult because he will never exhibit the signs of maturity.

Hilchos Ishus 2:15

If a boy reaches the age of 13 years and a day without growing any pubic hair but he does exhibit the upper sign of maturity (such as facial and/or armpit hair), then there is a doubt as to whether he is legally an adult or a minor. If his pubic area was not examined and he exhibits upper signs of maturity, then it is presumed that he is an adult.