1,436. Signs of Male Infertility

Hilchos Ishus 2:12

If a male reaches the age of 35 years and a day without growing pubic hair or facial hair, then he is considered a saris (congenitally infertile) even if he doesn’t exhibit any signs of infertility. If he reached 30 days of his twentieth birthday without growing two pubic hairs but he did grow two facial hairs, he is not considered a saris even if he exhibits one sign of infertility. He maintains this status until he exhibits all the signs of infertility or reaches the age of 35 years and a day.

Hilchos Ishus 2:13

The signs of male infertility are that the person in question: doesn’t grow a beard; his hair doesn’t grow sufficiently; his skin is hairless; his urine doesn’t make vapor; his urine stream doesn’t form an arc; his semen is not the usual color; his urine doesn’t ferment; his skin doesn’t steam when he washes in winter; his voice is high like that of a woman.