633. Muktzeh

87:24 If an animal ate too much and is in pain, one may cause it to trot in the courtyard in order to alleviate its pain. If the animal is overheated - which was once believed to be caused by too much blood - one may cause it to stand in water to cool it off. If it was believed that the animal might die unless it let blood, one could instruct a non-Jew to do the blood-letting. Similarly, other remedies should also be carried out by a non-Jew. (It need not be life-threatening; a non-Jew may be engaged merely to alleviate an animal's pain - Mishnah Brurah 332:9.)

88:1 Examples of muktzeh that was intentionally put aside for Shabbos: if a person had the intention not to eat something on Shabbos because it's something that would only be considered edible in pressing circumstances; something that's edible without pressing circumstances but he put it aside to be sold; something that is suitable on Shabbos for use as dog food even though it wasn't suitable for this purpose before Shabbos, such as if an animal or bird died on Shabbos; an item that changed on Shabbos from what it was before Shabbos but it is usable in some capacity, like utensils that broke on Shabbos but may still be partially used for their original purpose to hold some kind of food or beverage; similarly, bones that are stripped of their meat on Shabbos but are still fit for dogs. All these things may be moved on Shabbos except for things that one has actively set aside such as certain types of fruit that have been put out to dry (because they're not ready and complete unfit to eat - MB 310:9). (The things that are fit for dogs may not be moved if there are no dogs around - MB 308:121.)