1,422. The Oil and Wicks; Where to Light

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:6

Any kind of oil and wick is acceptable for Chanukah use, even oils that do not draw well and wicks that do not burn well. One may use such oils and wicks even on the Shabbos nights of Chanukah, despite the fact that they may not be used for Shabbos candles. This is permitted because it is prohibited to make personal use of Chanukah candles both on Shabbos and on weekdays. One may not even use their light to look at or count coins.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:7

There is a mitzvah to place the Chanukah menorah outside the entrance of one’s home in the handbreadth closest to the doorway on the left side as one enters. In this way, the mezuzah will be on one’s right as he enters and the menorah will be on his left. If someone lives on the second floor of a building, he should place his menorah in a window facing the public thoroughfare. If one places his menorah more than 20 cubits (about 30’) above the ground, he has accomplished nothing because such a menorah is not noticeable.