1,417. The Bracha After Hallel

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 3:10

Whenever Hallel is recited in its entirety, a bracha is recited beforehand; in places where the practice is to recite a bracha afterwards, this should be done as well. The bracha recited after Hallel is, “All Your works will praise You, Hashem, our God. Your righteous and pious, who perform Your will, and Your people, the House of Israel, will joyfully praise Your Name. It is good to praise You, Hashem, and pleasant to sing to Your Name. From worlds to world, You are the Almighty. Blessed are You, Hashem, the King who is extolled, glorified, exalted, living and enduring. May He reign continuously forever.”

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 3:11

There are places where the accepted practice is to repeat each verse from “od’cha ki anisani,” I will thank You because You have answered me (Psalms 118), through the end of Hallel; each of these verses is read twice. In places where this is the practice, one should repeat these verses; in places where such is not the practice, one should not do so.