645. The Prohibitions in Isaiah

89:6 A vessel doesn't become a base unless the muktzeh was placed on it by the vessel's owner. If someone put muktzeh on someone else's vessel, it does not render it a base. This is because one cannot render another's property forbidden when it would inconvenience the owner. (One can do so to convenience another person, such as if he placed the owner’s vessel to catch a candle that might fall and start a fire – Mishnah Brurah 309:27.)

90:1 There are some activities that are prohibited on Shabbos even though they do not resemble or lead to a forbidden type of labor. These were forbidden based on Isaiah 58:13, which says, “If you restrain your feet because it is Shabbos and refrain from tending to your own affairs on My holy day...” The Talmud (Shabbos 113a) explains that this refers to such things as not engaging in business or discussing secular matters on Shabbos, nor by rushing about on Shabbos the way we do during the week. While we are not generally permitted to run on Shabbos, we may run to perform a mitzvah because the verse only tells us that it is prohibited for our own affairs; for G-d’s affairs, it is permitted.