Loving Your Friend (Including God): A Message for Sefirat HaOmer (Mishlei 27:10)

 רעך אביך אל תעזב ובית אחיך אל תבוא ביום אידך טוב שכן קרוב מאח רחוק - משלי כז:י

Rebbi Akiva says that ואהבת לרעך כמוך is the essence of the Torah. Ben Azai says that the most important verse in the Torah is "זה ספר תולדות אדם", meaning the most important idea in the Torah is that we are created with צלם אלקים - in the image of G-d. What is the fundamental machloket? How does one achieve true אהבת ישראל, love for our fellow Jew.

The difference between ריע and חבר.

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, May 12th, 2019 (7 Iyar 5779) This shiur is sponsored by Mel David.