1,408. Sewing Together the Parchments of a Megillah

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 2:10

If the letters of a megillah have been rubbed out or ripped, then if a remnant of the letters is recognizable, the megillah remains valid even if the majority of the letters have been rubbed out. If no remnant of the letters is recognizable, the scroll remains valid if the majority of the letters are intact. If this is not the case, then the megillah is invalid. If the scribe who wrote a megillah omitted some letters or verses and the one reading this megillah recited them by heart, he has fulfilled his obligation.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 2:11

All the pieces of parchment that comprise a megillah must be sewn together as a single scroll. A megillah may only be sewn using animal sinews, the same as is the case with a sefer Torah. If a megillah is sewn together using any other kind of thread, it is invalid. Unlike a sefer Torah, it is not necessary to sew the entire length of a megillah’s parchment. If one sews three stitches at each end of the parchment and three stitches in the middle, it is valid. This leniency is permitted because the megillah is referred to as a “letter” (as in correspondence) in Esther 9:29.