1,405. Hearing the Megillah in Another Language or Without Intention

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 2:4

If a megillah was written in Aramaic or in some other non-Jewish language, one who hears it read only fulfills his obligation if he understands that language and if the megillah was written and read in that language. Conversely, if a megillah was written in Hebrew but someone read it in Aramaic for someone who understands that language, he does not fulfill his obligation because he is reciting it by heart. Since the one reading does not fulfill his obligation, the person hearing it read cannot fulfill his, either.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 2:5

If a person read the megillah without the intention to perform the mitzvah, he does not fulfill his obligation. Examples of this could include if one was writing a megillah, teaching the megillah, or checking a megillah. In such a case, if one has the intention to perform the mitzvah through such a reading, he fulfills his obligation but if not, then not. If a person dozes while reading the megillah, he fulfills his obligation because he is not fully asleep.