676. Making the Eiruv

94:6 The preferred way to make an eiruv is as follows: On Friday, one of the homeowners in the courtyard takes a whole loaf that belongs to him and gives it, through an intermediary, to all the residents of the courtyard. He says to the other person in whatever language he understands, “Take this loaf and, through it, acquire a share on behalf of all the Jews living in this courtyard” or “in these courtyards,” as appropriate. The other accepts the loaf and raises it a handbreadth. Then, the one making the eiruv takes back the loaf and recites the bracha that G-d commanded us regarding the mitzvah of eiruv. He then says, “By means of this eiruv, it will be permitted for us to take out and to carry in from the houses to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the houses, and from house to house, for all Jews living in the houses of this courtyard.” He must have the intention that everyone has the benefit of the loaf. When Shabbos starts, the loaf is left in the house of the one who made the eiruv and it is considered as if everyone lives in that house. It is therefore permitted to carry from the houses to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the houses, and throughout the courtyard.

94:7 Since the eiruv rights must be granted through an intermediary, one should not do so by way of his own minor child, even if they are not eating at his table, because their hands are considered like his own hands. He may, however, grant rights through another minor because when it comes to Rabbinic law, a minor can grant to others. If possible, one should not grant these rights through his own wife since he supports her, nor by his adult children if they eat at his table since some authorities consider their hands like his own. If no one else is available, he may grant rights through them. If the son is married, everyone agrees he may be used for this, even if he eats at his father's table.