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Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 1:8

If there’s a village where the Jews do not congregate to read the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays, then the megillah is only read on 14 Adar. If a city doesn’t have ten men whose sole occupation is attending the shul for the community’s needs, it is considered a village and the megillah is read earlier, on the day when the people congregate in shul. If a city doesn’t have ten adult men, the situation that causes the trouble also provides the solution, i.e., they are considered like residents of a large city and the megillah is only read on 14 Adar.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 1:9

The aforementioned leniency, i.e., that of reading the megillah earlier, on the day when the people congregate, only applies when Israel rules itself. Nowadays, the megillah is only read at the designated times of 14 and 15 Adar - residents of villages and cities read on 14 Adar and residents of walled cities read on 15 Adar.