1,391. More Restrictions of Tisha b'Av

Hilchos Taaniyos 5:9

This procedure described in the previous few halachos is the practice observed by the average people, who are incapable of doing more. In contrast, the practice observed by pious people of earlier generations was that one would sit alone between the oven and the stove; others would bring him some dry bread and salt. He would dip this in water and drink water in a state of anxiety, sorrow and tears, like a recently bereaved person. Torah scholars act in this manner, or similar to it. The Rambam says that his family never ate cooked food – not even lentils – on the day before Tisha b’Av unless it fell on Shabbos.

Hilchos Taaniyos 5:10

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are obligated to complete the fast on Tisha b’Av. One is not permitted to wash in either hot or cold water – not even to put one’s finger in water. Anointing for pleasure, wearing shoes and marital relations are prohibited on Tisha b’Av, just as they are on Yom Kippur. In a place where the accepted practice is to work, one may work; where the accepted practice is not to work, one may not do so. Torah scholars everywhere should refrain on Tisha b’Av. The Sages said that one who performs work on this day will never see benefit from it.