701. Eliyahu HaNavi

96:11 If, after reciting the bracha on the wine, a person holds the spices in his hand intending to recite the bracha on them, but he made a mistake and said the bracha over the candle instead, if he immediately realizes his error and adds "Borei minei besamim," that bracha counts for the spices and he then recites the bracha for the candle. However, if he intended to recite the bracha for the candle, it counts for the candle and he recites the bracha for the spices afterwards.

96:12 It is a mitzvah to turn up the lights slightly on motzoei Shabbos (Saturday night) and to sing songs to escort Shabbos as it departs in an honorable fashion, like one would escort a king when he leaves a city. We mention Eliyahu haNavi (the prophet Elijah) and we pray that he will come to announce the redemption. This is done on Saturday night because Eliyahu will not come on Friday so as not to interrupt the Jews' preparations for Shabbos, and we don't we don't pray that he should come on Shabbos because of the opinion that the law of Shabbos boundaries does apply over ten handbreadths, which would prevent Eliyahu from being able to come on Shabbos. Because of all this, once Shabbos has ended and Eliyahu can potentially come, we pray that he do so and announce our redemption. Additionally, there is a Midrash that on Saturday night, Eliyahu enters Paradise and sits beneath the Tree of Life, where he writes down the merits of every Jew who keeps Shabbos. For this reason, we remember him for good after Shabbos.