705. Hallel

97:4 Hallel should be recited standing, without interruption. (After the fact, if one recited it seated, he has fulfilled his obligation - MB 422:28.) One should try to say it with the congegration. If he arrived late to shul, close to the recitation of Hallel, he should say Hallel with the congegration and catch up with his davening after (so long as he won't miss the deadline for reciting Shema or Shemoneh Esrei - MB 488:3.) If he was saying the pesukei d'zimra, from Hodu until after the Shirah, then he should recite Hallel with the congegration but not recite the blessings before and after Hallel. The brachos of Baruch She'amar and Yishtabach that he recites before and after pesukei d'zimra, will also cover him for Hallel. Only may only do this on Rosh Chodesh and the later days of Pesach when we recited the shortened form of Hallel, not on days when we recite the full Hallel. When a person says Hallel without the congegration, if there are two others with him, he should say "Hodu LaShem..." in front of them so that they can respond. The meaning of "hodu" ("let us give thanks") suggests that a person is saying it to others. (Nevertheless, one need not go looking for others - MB 422:18.) The laws of reciting Hallel in an mourner's house are discussed later, in chapter 207. 97:5 After Hallel, the full Kaddish is recited. The Torah is then taken out and four people are called for aliyos. The Kohein reads Numbers 28:1-3, the Levi goes back a verse and reads Numbers 28:3-5. The Yisrael reads Numbers 28:6-10 and the fourth person reads Numbers 28:11-15. (There are other opinions as to how to divide the aliyos - MB 423:3 - consult your rabbi as to how to proceed.)