1,380. Adding Six Brachos

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:6

The shaliach tzibbur recites supplications according to his ability. He says, “Please behold our affliction, fight our battle and hasten our redemption.” At the end of his supplications he says, “May the One Who answered our father Abraham on Mount Moriah answer you and hear the sound of your cry today. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeems Israel.”

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:7

After this, the shaliach tzibbur adds six brachos, one right after the other. In each of them, he recites supplications that include pleas and verses from the Prophets and the Writings that he knows. He finishes each of these brachos with its own unique conclusion, which will be the subject of the next six halachos.