1,379. The One Who Leads the Service

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:4

A person qualified to lead the prayers on these fasts is one who often leads the service and often reads the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings. He should have children but not be wealthy, and work in the field. His children, the members of his household and any dependent relatives should not be sinners; his house should be free from sin. There should be no unfavorable reports about him from his childhood. He should be humble, be liked by the community, and have a sweet and pleasing voice. If he has all of these qualities and is also an elder, that is best possible situation. If someone possesses these qualties, he is fit to lead the service even if he is not an elder.

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:5

The shaliach tzibbur starts and recites Shemoneh Esrei until the blessing of Go’eil Yisroel (that God redeems Israel). He then recites Zichronos and Shofros (verses about God recalling us and about blowing shofar, as we do on Rosh Hashana, except that the themes of the verses selected should be) relevant to the community’s current troubles. He should also recite Psalm 120 (“I called to God from my distress and He answered me”), Psalm 121 (“I lift up my eyes towards the mountains”), Psalm 130 (“From the depths, I called to You, Hashem”) and Psalm 102 (“A prayer of the afflicted, when he becomes weak”).