1,378. Addressed by an Elder

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:2

After placing the ashes on the people’s heads, one of the elder scholars stands before the people, who are seated. If there is no such person, someone possessing wisdom is selected for the role. If there is no person of wisdom, a person of stature is chosen. This person addresses the people with words of rebuke, saying, “My brothers! It is not sackcloth and fasting that will effect change! Rather, it repentance and good deeds! We see this from the city of Nineveh. The navi doesn’t say that God saw their sackcloth and their fasting, it says ‘God saw their deeds’ (Jonah 3:10)! Similarly, the it is written in the books of the Prophets, ‘Tear your hearts, not your garments’ (Joel 2:13)!” The one addressing the people continues in this way as best he can until his audience has been humbled, turning to God in wholehearted repentance.

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:3

After the words of rebuke, the community stands up to pray. They should choose an appropriate person to lead the service on these fast days. If the one who delivered the words of rebuke is fit to lead the service, he should do so. If not, someone else is chosen.