1,377. Fasting Outside of Israel

Hilchos Taaniyos 3:11

When it comes to communal fasts outside of Israel, one is permitted to eat by night and the rules are the same as on other fasts. A communal fast similar to Yom Kippur is only held in Israel, and then only because of the lack of rain. This refers to the last ten fasts, meaning the middle three and the final seven.

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:1

On each day of the last seven fasts for a lack of rain, we pray as follows: the aron is taken to the town square and all the people gather there, wearing sackcloth. Ashes are placed on the aron and the Torah in order to increase the people’s grief and to humble their hearts. One of the people places some ashes on the heads of the nasi and the head of the court so that they will feel shame and repent. The ashes go in the spot where one places his tefillin. Everyone else puts ashes on his own head.