1,373. The Second Series of Fasts for Rain

Hilchos Taaniyos 3:3

If the aforementioned fasts go by without being answered, the court convenes three more communal fasts. On these fasts, we only eat and drink by day before the fast (but not on the night of those dates), as is the case with Yom Kippur. The kohanim on duty in the Temple fast for part of the day but they do not complete the fast. The kohanim of the beis av, who perform the Temple service on that particular day, do not fast at all. When there’s a fast for which we must stop eating while it is still day, once a person stops eating and decides not to eat any more, he may not change his mind and eat again even if there is still time left in the day.

Hilchos Taaniyos 3:4

For this series of three fasts, it is prohibited to perform acts of labor by day but one may do so on the preceding night. It is prohibited for one to wash his whole body with hot water but one may wash his face, hands and feet. Accordingly, bathhouses are closed on these days. Anointing oneself is likewise prohibited, though one may do so in order to remove dirt. Marital relations and wearing shoes in a city are also prohibited, though one may wear shoes on a journey. We gather in the shuls to pray, to cry out to God and to recite supplications as we do on all fasts.