1,366. Fasting Because of Wild Animals

Hilchos Taaniyos 2:7

We only fast because of a wild animal if it is rampaging, which is when it is seen in a city by day. If it is seen in a field by day, encounters two men and doesn’t run away from them, it is considered rampaging. If the field is near a swamp and the animal saw two men and chased them, it is considered to be rampaging; if it doesn’t chase them, it is not considered rampaging. If the animal was in a swamp, it is not considered to be rampaging even if it chases them; it is considered rampaging if it killed both of them but only ate one. If the animal ate both of them in a swamp, it is not considered rampaging because this is its domain and it only killed them for food.

Hilchos Taaniyos 2:8

If houses are built in the wilderness or in other desolate areas, this is a natural place for wild animals. Therefore, it is only considered a rampage when an animal climbs a roof and takes a baby from its crib. Less than this is not considered a rampage; these people simply endangered their own lives by choosing to live in a place inhabited by wild animals.