745. Milk That Was Milked by a Non-Jew on Yom Tov

101:5 Milk that a non-Jew milked on the first day of yom tov in the presence of a Jew may be used on the second day of yom tov. If the milking was done on Shabbos and Sunday is yom tov, the milk may not be used on Sunday. If the milking was done on the first day of Rosh Hashana, it is prohibited also on the second day, as well as on Shabbos if that happens to be the next day.

101:6 Wicks that were lit on the first day of yom tov and then extinguished may be used to light on the second day of yom tov. On Rosh Hashana, one may not light using a wick that was extinguished on the first day, even at the end of the second day. In any event, one may handle the wicks, remove them, and put new ones in their place. This is also the case on a yom tov that follows Shabbos.