Of Dreams and Dreamers

In Yaakov's dreams Hashem speaks to Yaakov directly, in Yosef's dreams and the dreams he is told, he has to interpret the dreams. The era of Yosef is an era of Hashem operating in the background.

Why did Pharaoh believe Yosef? Why does Yosef begin his interpretation with "Pharaoh's dreams are really one"? Pharaoh rejects his advisors' interpretation and keeps referring to it as one dream (בחלומי). Even before this, the butler and the baker refer to their dream as one dream.

Why does Pharaoh insist on a single interpretation? Pharaoh (like Achashverosh and other Monarchs) desired to live in a simplified world with no conflict. As far as Pharaoh is concerned, everything is perfect, there are no sick cows. Yosef embraces the complications, he's willing to see two dreams. As Jews we have been able to survive because we embrace conflict.

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, March 6, 2019 (29 Adar I 5779)