How Rebbe Akiva Woke up His Students: The Monumental Dispute Between the Radvaz and the Chacham Tzvi

Rebbe Akiva saw that his students were dozing off so in order to wake them up he said: "Do you know why Esther ruled over 127 provinces? Because her ancestor, Sarah lived 127 years. Why is that so exciting? Why does it matter how many provinces over which she ruled?

When it came to building the Mishkan, the Nesiim said we will fill in that which is still needed after the donations are made. They were criticized for this. Why is this so bad?

Where did the Nesiim get the אבני שוהם ואבני מילואים from?

Which is better: זריזין מקדימין למצוות or מצוה מן המובחר? The dispute between the חת"ם סופר and the חכם צבי

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