Faith in God, Faith in Yourself

Mishlei 14:26: "ביראת ה' מבטח עוז ולבניו יהיה מחסה" Mishlei 18:10: "מגדל עוז שם ה בו ירוץ צדיק ונשגב"

Gra: בטחון is the security that someone will fulfill a commitment; חסיון (shelter) implies protection even without prior commitment from the protector.

Emunah is the abstract belief that God runs the world; bitachon is the internalization of this belief which leads to a sense of serenity and security.

Why is there a prohibition against counting Jews? It momentarily separates us from our fellow Jews and we don't have the protection of the merit of the tzibur.

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, February 24th, 2019 (19 Adar I 5779)

This shiur is sponsored by Mel David & Family.