1,350. When the Position in the Sphere Has Both Ones and Tens

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 19:8

If the number of degrees in the sphere of constellations includes ones, we must calculate using an average between the tens, as we did when calculating the positions of the sun and the moon. Therefore, five degrees will incline two degrees, 23 degrees will incline nine degrees, etc. Use this process whenever calculating a number that includes both ones and tens.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 19:9

Now that we know the amount of inclination for all degrees from one to 90, we will be able to calculate the inclination using the method we taught for calculating the moon's latitude (in chapter 16). For numbers between 90 and 180, subtract the number from 180; for numbers between 180 and 270, subtract 180 from the number; for numbers between 270 and 360, subtract the number from 360. We already know the degree of inclination for the result.