1,349. The Amount of Inclination for Every Ten Degrees in the Sphere

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 19:6

It should be obvious that every degree in the perceived sphere of constellations is inclined a certain amount to the north or the south. The largest inclination will not exceed approximately 23.5 degrees.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 19:7

The amount of inclination from the equator in degrees is as follows: Starting from Aries, a point at ten degrees on the sphere of constellations will incline four degrees from the equator; a point at 20 degrees will incline eight degrees; 30 degrees will incline 11.5 degrees; 40 degrees will incline 15 degrees; 50 degrees will incline 18 degrees; 60 degrees will incline 20 degrees; 70 degrees will incline 22 degrees; 80 degrees will incline 23 degrees; a point at 90 degrees on the sphere of constellations will incline 23.5 degrees from the equator.