When Giving is Really Receiving

Mishlei 11:17 - "גומל נפשו איש חסד"

Why are the measurements of the Aron not whole numbers?

The shulchan represents physical needs. When it comes to גשמיות our attitude should be איזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו, unlike our attitude towards growth in spiritual matters. However, other people's physical needs, are our spiritual needs (R' Yisroel Salanter: Your gashmius is my ruchnius).

Why are Bnei Yisrael asked to "Take" Terumah when they were really giving? When we "give" to Torah causes we should not feel that we are giving or that we are deprived; we should feel that we are getting more than we receive: "גומל נפשו איש חסד"

Torah, unlike avodah and chessed, creates intergenerational continuity.

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, February 10th, 2019 (5 Adar Rishon 5779)

This shiur is sponsored by Mel David & Family.