"Porthole Through Heaven": The Abir Ya'akov Uncovers the Structure of Tefilla

Rashi tells us that the 13 items listed at the beginning of Parshat Terumah are items needed for the construction of the mishkan. We know how to count plus there are 15 items mentioned, not 13!

Why do we say the pasuk of Shema so many times in davening (in Korbanot, Kriyat Shema, the end of Az Yashir, and the end of Aleinu)? Why do we say Yigdal at the beginning of davening?

13 Baruchs in Baruch Sheamar, 13 parts of Pesukei D'Zimra, 13 Midot of R' Yishmael, 13 middot harachamim, and the 13 middle brachot of Shmoneh Esrei

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