1,330. The Second Latitude

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 17:8

The minutes are added to or subtracted from the latitude are as follows: If the moon is in Aries, 9 minutes; in Taurus, 10 minutes; in Gemini, 16 minutes; in Cancer, 27 minutes; in Leo, 38 minutes; in Virgo, 44 minutes; in Libra, 46 minutes; in Scorpio, 45 minutes; in Sagittarius, 44 minutes; in Capricorn, 36 minutes; in Aquarius, 24 minutes (sic; apparently 27 minutes is correct); in Pisces, 12 minutes.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 17:9

Now that we know the number of minutes for each constellation, we add them to or subtract them from the first latitude as appropriate in order to reach the second latitude. We already know whether the second latitude will be to the north or the south and we will derive its degrees and minutes. We’ll need this information so keep it handy.