1,328. Additional Calculations When the Moon Falls From Capricorn Through Gemini

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 17:4

Calculations will be necessary when the moon’s actual position falls between the start of Capricorn and the end of Gemini. If the moon is between the start of Cancer and the end of Sagittarius and the first longitude is ten degrees or smaller, then the moon certainly will not be visible anywhere in Israel and no further calculations are needed. If the first longitude is larger than 24 degrees, then the moon will certainly be visible throughout Israel and no further calculations are required. If the first longitude is between 10 and 24 degrees, then it will be necessary to make further calculations in order to determine whether or not the moon will be visible.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 17:5

These additional calculations are as follows: First, determine in which constellation the moon will be located. If it is Aries, subtract 59 minutes from the first longitude; if it is Taurus, subtract one degree; if Gemini, subtract 58 minutes; if Cancer, subtract 52 minutes; if Leo, subtract 43 minutes;  if Virgo, subtract 37 minutes; if Libra, subtract 34 minutes; if Scorpio, subtract 34 minutes; if Sagittarius, subtract 36 minutes; if Capricorn, subtract 44 minutes; if Aquarius, subtract 53 minutes; if Pisces, subtract 58 minutes from the longitude. The result derived by subtracting these minutes from the first longitude is called the second longitude.