Shabbat and Umbrellas

In preparation for National Umbrella Day (February 10th), Rabbi Manning discusses the laws of umbrellas on Shabbos.

There are two issues, opening an umbrella and carrying one (even if there is an Eruv). Opening an umbrella constitutes creating a tent-structure on Shabbos (אוהל עראי). The Gemara permits opening a foldable bed on Shabbos. According to the Ritva it's not an issue of ohel because its designed to use the top unlike an umbrella.

The Noda B'Yehuda is among the first to discuss umbrellas on Shabbos in a responsum. He rules that it's a problem to use an umbrella since it's purpose is for the airspace underneath. Opening it before Shabbos and using on Shabbos could be a problem of מראית עין. Do we create מראית עין chumras?

The Chazon Ish argues that it is something that has been accepted as asur. It has become something that has become a defining feature of Shabbos Observance.

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, January 30th, 2019, 24 Shevat 5779