1,320. The Latitude of the Moon

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 16:7

Having determined the position of the head and the tail, as well as the moon’s actual position, let us proceed. If the position of the moon is the same in degrees and minutes as the head or the tail, then the moon will be neither north nor south. If the moon has passed the head and is heading towards the tail, then it will be to the north of the sun. If the moon is before the tail and heading towards the head, then it will be to the south of the sun.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 16:8

The inclination of the moon to the north or the south is called its latitude (literally, its "width"). An inclination to the north is called a northerly latitude and an inclination to the south is called a southerly latitude. When the moon is at the head or the tail, it has no latitude.