Blindness, Blessings, and a Brother's Deceit (part 2)

Listen to part one

Yitzchak tried to give Yaakov a bracha for spiritual success and Esav one for worldly success (similar to Yissachar-Zevulun); Rivkah realized Yaakov needed to succeed in both realms.

What is the justification for Rivkah telling her son to deceive his father and for Yaakov deceiving his father? Do the ends justify the means? Is Yaakov "paid back" for deceiving his father? Even if one does the right thing by stepping over lines, there still may be a cost.


"ויפגע במקום וילן שם כי בא השמש ויקח מאבני המקום וישם מראשותיו וישכב במקום ההוא"

Why is makom used three times? Did he sleep at הר המוריה or in לוז (as Rashbam explains)? How does this machloket impact our understanding his reaction? If the latter, Yaakov is saying that God can be found everywhere, not just at הר המוריה, an important lesson to be learned by someone leaving Eretz Yisrael for the first time in two generations.

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, January 2nd, 2019 (25 Tevet 5779)