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Is there a "Psak" in Hashkafa?
What does psak mean? Do we find a psak on Hashkafa in the Bavli?
When there seems to be a mainstream hashkafic approach, is one allowed to follow/re-legitimize the minority opinion?
When the Torah says not to deviate from the ruling of Beit Din (לא תסור), does that include matters such as the age of the universe? Where do we draw the line? (Rambam, Sefer HaChinuch, Ran, Rabbeinu Bachya)
This shiur is sponsored by Cookie & Howie Maisel L’ilui Nishmat our dear father יעקב שמואל זנוול בן צבי אריה ז"ל on his 29th yahrzeit, 11 Tevet
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, December 19th, 2018, 11 Tevet 5779