1,276. Calculating 19-Year Cycles

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 6:12

When adding the remainders of the 12 regular years in a cycle, each of which is “4, 8, 876,” and the remainders of the seven leap years, each of which is “5, 21, 589,” if one then divides the total by seven, there will be a remainder of two days, 16 hours and 595 chalakim. This is the remainder of a 19-year cycle, abbreviated as “2, 16, 595.”

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 6:13

If the molad of a 19-year cycle is known, adding the remainder of “2, 16, 595” to it will yield the start of the next cycle. Continuing to do so will enable one to calculate the start of every cycle forever. As noted in halacha 6:8, the molad of the very first cycle occurred on “2, 5, 204.” When we speak of the molad of a year, we mean the molad for the month of Tishrei in a given year.