Hiddur Mitzvah and Chanukah (Mishlei 3:9)

"כבד את ה' מהונך ומראשית כל תבואתך"

Shlomo HaMelech re-iterates the concept of hidur already mentioned in Az Yashir - glorifying Hashem by doing mitzvot enthusiastically.

The mehadrin/mehadrin-min-hamehadrin of Chanukah is not standard hiddur mitzvah, it has a unique status and is standard practice. Why is it much more central when it comes to Chanukah?

Why did Hashem perform an unnecessary miracle by making the oil last for eight says, we have a principle of טומאה הותרה בציבור and they would have been able to light with impure oil?

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, December 9th, 2018 (1 Tevet 5779)

This shiur is sponsored by Mel David.

This shiur is sponsored by Vera Schwarcz in loving memory of her husband Yosef Shimon ben Avraham Isaac and Rivkah, Dr. Jason Wolfe z"l whose Yahrzeit is the 8th day of Chanukah