Tefillah Tips - Birchot HaShachar IV

The next two blessings that we recite each morning are Matir Assurim (He who releases the bound) and Zokayf Kefufim (He who straightens the bent).

After thanking Hashem for the privilege of just existing, and then for waking up in the morning, we now focus on our physical capabilities to transition from the subconscious to the conscious and from inactivity to mobility.

G-d is the Matir Assurim, He unties he who is bound. The "bound" we are referring to here is one who is asleep. Anyone who has had the responsibility to wake up students in the yeshiva dormitory for the morning minyan truly appreciates the implication of this blessing. It does take G-d Himself to get some of us out of bed.

HaRav Yaakov Emden in his Siddur Bait Yaakov reveals a different dimension to this bracha. His thought is that we are hopeful that just like G-d has helped us overcome our (strong) urge to remain in bed this morning to start our day on the right foot, so too may we withstand all other temptations which are placed on our paths in order to build ourselves and the world around us truthfully and honestly. Hashem is the Matir Assurim - we thank Him for helping to release us from all types of tempting restraints.

We also thank G-d for being Zokayf Kefufim- He straightens the bent. In accordance with the principle of noticing and appreciating our daily gifts from the Creator we verbalize our gratitude that we can physically straighten up from the horizontal position that we sleep in.

Regarding this blessing Rav Emden remarks that we hope to G-d that whatever tzoros are befalling us should be removed. Then we will be able to actualize our potential and sanctify G-d's name in our daily lives. G-d is the Zokayf Kefufim- we thank Him for raising us when we are down and not functioning with full strength.

When we pay close attention to these blessings it is evident that the ingredients for a successful day (and life) are built into our mundane morning schedule. We simply need to unbind ourselves from wrongdoing and rise towards success. We need G-d's help when He is Matir Assurim and Zokayf Kefufim.