Tefillah Tips - Birchot HaShachar V

The next blessing we encounter each morning is "Rokah Haaretz Al Hamayim- He who spreads out the earth upon the waters."

The previous brachot we have analyzed focus on who we are and how we function. We thank Hashem for our individual souls, our gender, our eyesight, and even our wardrobes. This particular blessing however, directs our thankfulness beyond ourselves and towards the benevolent world that we live in. We acknowledge G-d for the ground that we walk on - Rokah Haaretz Al Hamayim.

The commentators point out how fascinating it is when the ocean waves halt suddenly and are replaced by dry land. It is one of the many examples cited in the Rosh Hashana liturgy that depict G-d's grandeur and control over the universe.

For good and for better the natural wonders in G-d's world cannot be taken for granted. The newspapers are too filled with stories of storms that send crashing waves flooding homes and sometimes cities. Violent earthquakes swallow up lives and properties.

This bracha has taken on new significance to me since I was made aware of the tragedy at a Jerusalem wedding hall where the floor caved in. We rely on Hashem to maintain every surface our feet touch.

When we go to sleep at night we are quite confident that the world around us will be just like we left it a few hours ago when we wake up. Why are we so sure?

Saying this blessing properly, allows us to remind ourselves and appreciate how fortunate we are to have solid ground to walk on. With His infinite mercy G-d renews the Creation daily for us and maintains the overall world that we live in. He is the - Rokah Haaretz Al Hamayim.