Tefillah Tips - Mizmor Shir Chanukat Habayit LeDovid II

One example of the greatness of our two thousand year old siddur-prayer book, is how accurately the prayers portray and add insight into our lives. The words of King David's psalms and the blessings and prayers coined by the Men Of the Great Assembly-Anshei Knesset Hagedolah, address all aspects of the world we live in.

In the prayer we are currently examining King David remarks, "Ani Amarti Beshalvi Bal Emot Leolam- I said serenely I will not ever stumble- Histarta Panecha Hayiiti Nivhal- But then you hid your face G-d, and I was terrified" I think that these ancient words resonate the current feelings of so many Americans and Israelis amidst the daily horrors and terror of our world.

King David does not just pose the problem, he provides us with a direction as well. "Aylecha Hashem Ekra Ve-ehl Hashem Etchanan- Unto You do I call, unto G-d do I cry out." The message contained in these words is far deeper than the simple meaning of the verse. The words of the prayer are telling us much more than to cry out to G-d in times of need. We don"t need King David or anyone else for that matter to tell us that. As the phrase goes, "there are no atheists in foxholes."

The Hearat Ha-tefillah points out that the first part of the verse speaks directly to G-d, "Aylecha Hashem Ekrah-Unto You G-d do I call." The latter part of the verse speaks to a G-d we don't see and we don't begin to understand, "Ve-ehl Hashem Etchanan- unto G-d do I cry out." The implication here is that there are plenty of times in life that we genuinely enjoy and appreciate. During these happy times we understand how to behave, react, and proceed. We sing thankfully to G-d for providing us life and all of its pleasantness. There are also many times in life that we don't understand. Things happen to us personally, to our family, and to us nationally that defy logic and expectation and cause confusion and sometimes pain. During the tough times we also pray to G-d. We cry out to Hashem with fervor like King David did even though we feel He is hidden at that moment.

As we face new challenges, everyday groping with the frightening developments in our world, we may follow in the footsteps of King David. We cry out to our Creator in times of joy as well as anxiety and sorrow and take comfort in the fact that the same All-Powerful Hashem that got us this far, can and will help us again.